Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Sequel...

I hope my next apartment is bigger than where I live now. Scratch that. My next apartment WILL be bigger than this one.

I've spent the last couple of days at my mother's house with my dogs. My girlfriend couldn't make it because her aunt just moved to Philly and would have spent Christmas all alone if she hadn't visited. Unfortunately, she missed the best Christmas in recent memory. Dominican food, no drama, and miraculously, Bowser and Peach have been behaving.

But during this visit I've had a bit of an epiphany. My dogs are fucking huge. For some reason, I've always thought of them as medium sized dogs. Probably because I've had Bowser since he was two weeks old. So there's always been a tendency for me to see them as puppies. In reality, they're two overgrown , adult Pitbulls.

It hit me while I watched them play with my grandmother. She's Bowser's favorite so he follows her up and down the house and has practically disowned me (but that's another story for another blog entry). Watching him play next to her slender, frail frame is intense. I'm constantly having to make sure that he doesn't jump on her or bump into her while walking.

Peachy is not nearly as large as Bowser but she's gotten FAAAAAAAAAAT! They've been feeding her all kinds of human food. So much that she doesn't want anything to do with dog food anymore. That and a lack of exercise in this cold weather has made her a jolly tub of lard.

On top of all that, I'm typing this from my one-bedroom apartment in Inwood without the mutts walking around and I've realized that this is really not that small of a place. It's just not big enough for the four of us. It's so peaceful here! Ahhhhh... Still, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my life, my dogs, and the secret We definitely need a bigger place though.

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